Lucie uses drawing, print and sculpture to create landscapes and dreamscapes which explore place and memory. She is interested in spaces that reverberate with lived histories and potential futures all inextricably wrapped up in each other. Particularly overgrown urban landscapes which seem to have their own temporal climate which makes room for drifting and daydreaming as subtle forms of resistance to corporate, ahistorical approaches space. Lucie photographs these places as she encounter them in her every-day life, from the concrete ghosts of modernist projects to liminal borderlands where the city dissolves into canals, heaths and other untamed spaces. Images from this photographic archive are recreated through a forensic process of drawing. Repetitive, laborious approaches to mark making lengthen and pay homage to ephemeral and profound experiences of the overlooked.
Printmaking enables drawings to migrate from image to object, taking on fresh associations as they engage with a diverse array of surfaces. Seemingly ubiquitous urban objects are warped and transfigured, rebuilt in steel, copper, clay and wood. This uncanny transmutation emphasises the unfixed, malleable nature of the spaces they originate from. Layered images and unexpected material fusions create hybrid landscapes, operating as archaeological sites, where histories both personal and collective are built and buried.